Monday, March 24, 2014

Harvester by Rachel Russel: Blog Tour Interview

As part of the Harvester Blog Tour I've had the pleasure of interviewing the wonderful Rachel Russel. Rachel Russell is published by Entranced Publishing.

Alex: What inspired you to write Harvester?
Rachel: A whole lot of little things added up to inspire HARVESTER. I have a complete obsession with Sidhe faeries and human magic-users. I started thinking about ways our world would be different if a secret mage civilization existed belowground. I also took inspiration from the lore of the Gaelic people and even Shakespear’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Really, it’s hard to pinpoint anything too much. My inspiration for books usually amounts to a melting pot full of various ideas, images, songs, drawings, and so on forth.

A: Catalina sounds like an interesting protagonist. Describe her in 5 words:
R: Headstrong, passionate, short-tempered, loyal, and compassionate.

A: Should we expect more books in the Harvester setting and story?
R: Maybe. I have a tentative idea for Book 2 and Book 3. I’m considering having Book 2 be told from Catalina’s best friend’s POV. Her name is Una and it’d pick up right where Book 1 left off. I don’t have any solid plans at the moment, though.

A: Describe your writing process, are you an architect or a pantser?
R: I’m an architect all the way, baby. My writing process involves me writing out a story outline, then breaking that down chapter-by-chapter, scene-by-scene. I fill out index cards for each scene and put them in order on a corkboard. Only once I have everything plotted out do I begin writing.

A: Tell us about your favourite writing space. Do you have/need a specific place or are you a kitchen table/coffee shop/subway/nightclub/situation room kind of writer?
R: My specific writing nook is basically anywhere in my house with my laptop. If I had to choose a most common writing area, it’d probably be my bedroom where it’s the quietest.

A: You work in the writing/books industry, can you tell us what you do?
R: I work as the Submissions Coordinator for Month9Books, and also as an Editorial Assistant. As the Submissions Coordinator, I handle sending out titles to submissions interns, gathering up their reader reports, compiling a weekly report of all submissions received for that week, and in general keeping house tidy with sending manuscripts along to the proper editor or filing folder. As an Editorial Assistant, I mainly just do copy edits, proofreading, and light formatting of manuscripts.

A: Has it helped or hindered your journey? How?
R: It has definitely helped. I see a ton of submissions on a weekly basis and know what’s trending, what publishers are looking for, and what editors are excited about or sick of.

A: What’s next for you as a writer?
R: I’m going to keep working on other novels and hopefully be ready to query literary agents with something new and awesome later this year.

A: What’s your favourite flavour of ice cream?
R: Triple chocolate. I’m a firm believer that chocolate ice cream must also have bits of chocolate brownie in it. It’s the one true way to eat ice cream.

A: If you could go back in time and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?
R: To take my time and realize that publishing isn’t a race. Everyone’s path to publication is different and that’s all right.

A: Thank you for doing this interview!
R: Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Alex!  

This blog tour runs from 17th March 2014 until 30th March 2014.

You can add Harvester to your to-read list on Goodreads.

You can find more about Harvester on the Entranced Publishing Website.

About the Author
Rachel is a YA author who likes dirty martinis and pickles on her pizza. Her stories tend to be either @RachelxRussell), or playing make-believe with her two daughters.
horror or fantasy, or a strange amalgamation of both genres. She works at Month9Books, LLC as both the Submissions Coordinator and an Editorial Assistant. When not reading or writing, Rachel is marathoning anime, becoming one with Twitter (

You can find and contact Rachel here:
Website. Facebook. Twitter. Goodreads.

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Harvester.
Here's what you can win:

- One white leather infinity bracelet
- One e-copy of Harvester

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