Let me define that little eight-letter-word for you as best I can:
Synopsis [si-nop-sis] (n):
- A brief or condensed statement giving a general view of some subject.
- An evil creation of agents and editors for the express purpose of torturing writers.
- A soul-sucking vampire in word form.
- 1-5 single-spaced pages
- Block formatted paragraphs (no indents)
- Double-space between paragraphs (a single blank line)
- No smaller than 10pt font
- Outline ONLY the main plot of your book
From what I've seen, 2 pages is the standard length for an agent (at least with the agents I intend to query in my first round that require them).
Sounds easy enough right? Just take your ~60,000 - ~115,000 word (240 - 460 page) book and boil it down to ~1,000 words. Oh, and keep it interesting! Remember: You're selling your idea here!
Simple right?
So here's what I did:
I went through my manuscript, skimming chapter by chapter, and making notes of the major points of that chapter. I tried to keep it short and ended up with around 2,900 words.
Then I went through and mercilessly cut anything that didn't directly have anything to do with the main plot. 1,900 words.
I pared, whittled, reworded, and tweaked every sentence, revising from my quickly written notes to the most sparse text I could get while still maintaining clarity and some semblance of flow. 1,300 words.
I did that two more times, ending at just over 1,000 words, which fit nicely within 2 pages at 10pt Arial and 10pt Times New Roman.
Then I called it a day.
Now, that ordeal is done until I've had someone other than me, who's read the last revision, go over it and tell me what I've done wrong.
I have to apologize and thank my wife and children for bearing with me and giving me the time to work on this and a sounding board for my complaints, and my friends and followers on Twitter who have had to deal with me exploding/ranting/whining/begging over the past five days. I'm sorry if I've gotten on any of your nerves.
- Alex
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