Monday, January 24, 2011

A Snail's Pace

That's what this feels like sometimes, working at a snail's pace. At least I'm working on it. I'm still maintaining the pace of around 750 words a day in the limited time I have free. It'll have to do for now, I know I'll have points where I get nothing done, and points where I'll crank out much more, so I'm not going to let it get to me. Besides, that's 273,750 words a year, it's close to my goal, and I'll get more productive the more routine and comfortable this becomes.

I've started using GrooveShark on the Classical or Trance channels to help me work. I find music without lyrics does a fantastic job of creating my own private space in which to work, something precious to me.

I spent a good portion of tonight rewriting and expanding on the little I'd written for my outline of how two of the main characters in BookB meet. I'm still not satisfied, but the gist of it is there, it just needs some fine tuning and cleaning up I think. Who knows, maybe by the time I'm done it'll be rewritten a few more times.

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